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The online networking event for companies and employees from the home office!

What is Quizeee?! Liga?

It is time for a new networking event.  That's why we have created the Quizeee?! League. Every month, we invite all companies and employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to quiz against each other online. You can expect 12 questions of different categories and levels. We will publish the results regularly on our blog.


Of course there is also a prize to win :-) 


Who can join?

It's simple: everyone! Sign up and play against players from other companies. Send us an email with your first name, last name and company name. We will send you all the important information via email before each quiz.

How does it work?

There are always 12 questions. Everyone plays against everyone else. The points per question vary between 1,000 - 6,000 points per question. It is not only important that you know the right answer, but also that you are fast. The faster you answer correctly, the more points you get. Our categories range from general knowledge, school knowledge, music, film, sports and curiosities. For sure there is something in for you.


Of course, there will be a winner at the end.


When, where and how long?

The liga starts in September 2021 and we will play every last Friday of the month from 4-5pm. We will send you a reminder and a dial-in link  in advance.

Get the energy and mood booster for your team event.

Thank you very much! We will get back to you asap!

© 2021 Quizeee?!

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Möckernstraße 63

10695 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 985 19 749

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